The Book That Is Transforming How Men Build Families

“Finally! A book that provides a true tangible blessing for you and your children that will change your family relationships forever!”
David A. Wheeler President of Majestic Realty Co., Los Angeles, CA
“From a child to a teenager. From a teenager to a man. What more could a son ask for? Thanks, Dad, for making a difference. I’m ready!”
Edward McGlasson IV - Founder & CEO of Light Cap
Do you desire to unleash the potential in your kids, and be the Best Father you can be?
In The Difference a Father Makes, Ed Tandy McGlasson challenges dads to excel in fatherhood and equips them to do so. Discover the potential you have to make a difference in your children's lives! Learn how you can empower your children to pursue their dreams!
If you’ve never been taught to be a father or are in a place where you want to grow as a man, this book is for you. Ed gives insights into how you can connect to God as your Father and receive His blessings to be the man, husband, and father our family needs.
Ed Tandy McGlasson, a former lineman in the National Football League, played for the Rams, Jets, and Giants before entering full-time ministry. He has spoken at numerous conferences in 14 countries. Ed and his wife, Jill, live in Southern, Ca., with their five children, four spouses, and 10 amazing Grandchildren. :-)
"If you happen to be at that place in your life as a husband and father, crying out for help, you are at the right place. Whether you had a father in your life, or not, you are in the right place. Ed has spent the last 26 years of his life in the most courageous and exciting journey of all — getting to know God’s heart. This book will help you begin a special transformation that takes you from success to significance — that special time in your life where God is calling you forward to move from “what you do” to “what you are for.”
Brian Holloway, NFL Great, and Life long Friend
"I realized I was not seeing my children the way God sees them. Learning I was a beloved son of my Heavenly Father has changed my life and how I father my sons. I am incredibly grateful, Ed, for your ministry.”
Ed Tandy McGlasson gives a great message on being a father in his book The Difference A Father Makes, which God placed in my hands a few years back. It challenged me to be the father that Jesus has called me to be.
Steven A.
Thank you so much for your devotionals everyday. I love diving into them! Starting my mornings with the daily bread really empowers me through the rest of the day.
Joseph C.
Your coaching and ministry to my son and me has healed a 30-year wound. My dad never taught me how to be a father, and never blessed me in my life. My son and I, for the first time, have forgiven each other. It has been one of the most powerful things I have experienced in my life.
Dave H.
I thank you for the insight and the meeting tonight. I really feel some hope. I believe God put you in my life to give me the hope that I need and coach me to be able to work on my marriage and with my daughter.
David W.
Because of Jesus becoming the center of my life, I've had the best month in my entire life! I fully expect it to get better and better, sweeter and sweeter as I learn to lean into the Father's invitation to live under His smile. Thank you for your efforts in the fathering arena on behalf of all His beloved adopted sons and daughters.
Kevin F.
Thank you, my brother, for your daily devotional emails. Bless you as you continue to serve the Lord.
Yohannes M.
God used you not only to set me free from the hurt I had carried from my broken father, but I was able to forgive him and share the love of Jesus with my dad. My life will never be the same.
Dan M.
Thank you for the time spent together on Zoom. It pointed me towards hope and recovery. I look forward to benefit from the program, and I look forward to being an excellent dad to my family!
Dare A.